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Application form in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+4Posted:2017-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: applicationapplicationscomputer applicationsupplicationduplicationreplicationimplicationcomplicationMeaning: n. a form to use when making an application. 
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31. Please read the notes before filling in the application form on pages 3 and 4.
32. Candidates should contact the relevant Faculty Office to obtain an application form.
33. It will also give you a more objective idea of how an employer sees you when reading your application form or letter.
34. Below is an application form for the Dinner Dance tickets. Please send me ... number of tickets at £12 each.
35. My application form went off to the town hall first class, posted in Darlington on the morning of Friday March 20.
36. A Yes - Please indicate on the application form your current net income.
37. A good application form can be helpful but what has to be considered is whether it stops the candidate from expressing him/herself.
38. Anyone can participate in summer schools, as no auditions are required,[] only completion of an application form.
39. The application form asks if you require adaptations, and you must say what you need and why.
40. Notes of questions arising out of the application form should be attached to it and used as a memory aid during the interview.
41. Consumers could be committing fraud if they provide false information on a credit application form.
42. Just complete the enclosed Multipoint Application Form and place it in the envelope, together with a cheque for a minimum of £1.
43. The appropriate fee should either accompany the application form, or will be debited to your firm's credit account where appropriate.
44. Apply by completing the box at the bottom of the application form.
45. Simply complete the attached application form, making sure both parties sign if the account is to be in joint names.
46. The release, looking like your bog-standard application form, detailed the new appointee's biographical details.
47. It is hoped also that a revised grant application form will be available for distribution before the meeting.
48. Below is an application form for the Dinner Dance tickets.
48. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
49. If you wish to take advantage of this option, simply tick the appropriate box on the application form.
50. Simply fill in the application form and return it to your branch.
51. This is done by listening to a tape and writing on your application form a magic number.
52. Candidates for either the Woolley or the Horsman Fellowship should write to the Principal enclosing a s.a.e.for an application form.
53. Most employers will only ask you to repeat this information in a standard application form anyway.
54. The application form provides an opportunity for you to join your local Branch.
55. The application form encouraged artists to submit proposals for installation, murals, outdoor sculpture. film, video and performance work.
56. The application form asks you to state your name, age, and nationality.
57. Should you wish to apply for assistance with fees, please complete Section D on the reverse of the application form.
58. The buff application form differed in only one important way from the half-dozen Vologsky had sent in the past.
59. To do this, study the application form carefully as well as the job description.
60. At the time she was logged on at another computer in the station, working on an application form.
More similar words: applicationapplicationscomputer applicationsupplicationduplicationreplicationimplicationcomplicationexplicationmultiplicationreaction formationconformationapplicantregistration formapplicablyapplicablesupplicateinapplicablepublicationamplificationconfidential informationsimplificationexemplificationimplicativeinformationdisinformationinformation agemisinformationinformation desksupplicant
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